Future Mythologies

A Textual Journey with Maxwell Von Bismarck

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

After having downloaded too much music over the past few months (years?) I decided to actually buy a CD. Hail to the Thief, as it's too difficult trying to find a real copy of that on-line anyway. As soon as I get back to the office from the store, of course, I realize I've been had. Trying to understand Marcello's treasure map review, I pored over the liner notes. Something was amiss. Went to amazon.co.uk, and the cover's not the same! This is not the Queen's Radiohead album, it's a bloody American edition! Don't panik. No tracks have been removed or added or altered (I think...), it's just an issue of art. But still! Along with the obvious title, it's like they're trying to remind me every day that I live in this stupid country. I think my first album will have a UK edition with the same track listing but will only consist of white noise for 45 minutes.

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